It’s that time of year again, Wimbledon is here!

It’s that wonderful occasion when we all get together for the classically British tournament that was formed in 1868, can you believe it?

Some of us will be glued to the television (the radio, or constantly checking updates online) for results, or are you the unfortunate one left sighing in the corner with your battle for the TV remote firmly lost.

Whether you’re a fan of Wimbledon, or not, we are pretty confident that most of you like to indulge in the classic Wimbledon related goodies which come along with the sport!

You don’t have to enjoy tennis to sneak in some traditional Wimbledon strawberries and cream, right?

Well, we can go one step further and show you our fabulous eton mess to awaken the chef within you:

eton mess

and here’s our classic raspberry mousse dessert:

raspberry mousse

to help you get inspired for the Wimbledon week!

We love the Summer, it’s that season when all those juicy red berries are ripe, and the British strawberry is at its best! Just perfect for some tennis treats!

So why not experiment with more complex sweet desserts and really get into the wimbledon spirit? Invite the family round, friends, even the neighbours and let’s spread that Wimbledon spirit together! Let’s get creative:

vanilla preparing fruit

C’mon Murray!

Example Menus