Spring Wedding Inspiration, Part I

April 24, 2015

There are many reasons why people choose to have their Wedding in Spring. There are plenty of advantages to holding your special day around Easter and Spring, the weather just starts to become lovely. Also, as we are coming out of Winter and the days are getting longer and brighter, people are generally in better moods. It’s great to invite someone to an event that’s a few months away, so that they have something to look forward to! Here we have collected lots of fantastic reasons, ideas and advice on why to hold your Wedding in the Spring:


There’s lots of wonderful foods which are at their peak right now, such as lamb, pork, salmon, crab, potatoes, purple sprouting broccoli, spinach, spring onion and many more. So why not take advantage of this? Create a feast with all of the finest ingredients and let us arrange all of this tastiness for you. Click here to contact us. You can also add ice cream to the afternoon of your Wedding and help your guests see that Summer is truly on its way.


There are many different styles of Wedding dress, as every woman knows! But at this time of year you have room to experiment with many fun and different options. Knee length dresses are a popular choice in the Spring time. This cute and playful look is growing more and more popular amongst Brides. The Groom can also make the most of the weather, light weight suits are a great choice as feeling too hot can really make the day difficult, you don’t want to be uncomfortable. For the Bridesmaids, pale colours are a great option, these soft colours create a wonderful soft look for the Easter, light weight chiffon is a brilliant choice of material.


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